Contenido Premium Psiquiatría
Efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and depression in Parkinson's disease patients: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis
Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder and affects a significant number of individuals worldwide.
Código de aprobación: GKB-NON-2024-00888
Factors associated with readmissions in psychiatric inpatient care: a prospective cohort study based on hospital registers
Several reforms in psychiatric inpatient care have occurred in recent decades. The changes that have taken place are characterized by a strong reduction in inpatient beds and an emphasis on outpatient care.
Código de aprobación: GKB-NON-2024-00882
Does Chronic Pain Affect the Efficacy of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia?
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is considered to be first-line treatment for most patients with chronic insomnia, but its efficacy in patients who are experiencing pain has not been studied extensively.
Código de aprobación: GKB-NON-2024-00829
Prevalence and Correlates of Self‑Reported ADHD Symptoms in Bariatric Patients: Focus on Mood and Anxiety Comorbidity, Disordered Eating, and Temperamental Traits
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by inappropriate levels of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
Código de aprobación: GKB-NON-2024-00706
The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence
The idea that depression is the result of abnormalities in brain chemicals, particularly serotonin (5-hydroxy tryptamineor5-HT), has been influential for decades, and provides an important justification for the use of antidepressants. A link between lowered serotonin and depression was first suggested in the1960s.
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Modeling the antidepressant treatment response to transcranial magnetic stimulation using an exponential decay function
Major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability worldwide and represents a common risk factor for poor clinical outcomes. Unfortunately, many individuals with major depression do not respond to conventional pharmacological interventions. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) offers a noninvasive nonpharmacological treatment option that is effective for treatment-resistant depression.
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Recognising and Responding to Suicide‑Risk Factors in Primary Care: A Scoping Review
Suicide prevention is recognised as a multisector public health obligation., and there is the importance of recognising where high-risk groups such as middleaged males aged 45–49 years can be seen.
Código de aprobación: GKB-NON-2024-00564
Longitudinal assessment of ventricular volume trajectories in early-stage schizophrenia: evidence of both enlargement and shrinkage
Schizophrenia is linked to a wide range of morphometric brain changes in white and gray matter, with ventricular enlargement being one of the most recognizable macrostructural signatures.
Código de aprobación: GKB-NON-2024-00434
Adolescent suicidal ideation: dissecting the role of sex in depression and NSSI predictors
Suicidal ideation (SI), defined as thinking about, considering, or planning suicide, ranges from wishing one were dead to having a specific plan to end one’s life.
Código de aprobación: GKB-NON-2024-00443
Stress and suicide risk among adolescents: the role of problematic internet use, gaming disorder and emotional regulation
Previous studies have associated videogame playing and social media use with suicidal behaviors together with lower stress coping or poor emotion regulation strategies.
Código de aprobación: GKB-NON-2024-00434
Managing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
This guideline on post-traumatic stress disorder, written by the VA/DOD Evidence Based Practice Work Group, provides 37 assessment and treatment recommendations, based on the quality and strength of evidence for effectiveness and safety, along with consideration of feasibility and patient perspectives.
Código de aprobación: GKB-NON-2024-00112
Spatiotemporal dynamics of hippocampal-cortical networks underlying the unique phenomenological properties of traumarelated intrusive memories
Trauma-related intrusive memories (TR-IMs) possess unique phenomenological properties that contribute to adverse post-traumatic outcomes, positioning them as critical intervention targets.
Código de aprobación: GKB-NON-2024-00267
Sex differences in anhedonia in bipolar depression: a resting-state fMRI study
Previous studies about anhedonia symptoms in bipolar depression (BD) ignored the unique role of gender on brain function.
Código de aprobación: GKB-NON-2024-00204
How Common Are Abnormal Brain MRI Findings in Patients with First Episodes of Psychosis?
Consensus is lacking on whether all patients with first episodes of psychosis should undergo brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to exclude underlying structural brain abnormalities.
Código de aprobación: NON-2024-1496
Perinatal Depression Is Linked with Long-Term Suicide Risk and All-Cause Mortality
Perinatal depression, either antenatal (during pregnancy) or postpartum, affects 10% to 20% of pregnant women and is linked with numerous adverse health outcomes.
Código de aprobación: NON-2024-2056
The Sensory Profiles, Eating Behaviors, and Quality of Life of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Eating disorders frequently accompany autism spectrum disorder (ASD). One such novel eating disorder is avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID).
Código de aprobación: NON-2024-2037
The impact of comorbid premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder on the clinical characteristics of bipolar disorder among Han Chinese women
Bipolar disorder (BD) is commonly comorbid with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
Código de aprobación: NON-2024-2029
The relationship between mood disorders, personality disorder and suicidality in adolescence: does general personality disturbance play a significant role in predicting suicidal behavior?
Current research points to the importance personality pathology and Major Depression e as relevant psycopathological risk factors for understanding suicidal risk in adolescence.
Código de aprobación: NON-2024-1478
Altered intrinsic functional network connectivity is associated with impulsivity and emotion dysregulation in drug-naïve young patients with borderline personality disorder
Despite impulse control and emotion regulation being altered in borderline personality disorder (BPD), the specific mechanism of these clinical features remains unclear.
Código de aprobación: NON-2024-0669
Risk Factors for Suicide Reattempt among Adolescents and Young Adults: The Role of Psychiatric Disorders
Suicidal behaviour among young people is a serious public health concern.
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Gray matter abnormalities in patients with major depressive disorder and social anxiety disorder: a voxel‑based meta‑analysis
Major depressive and social anxiety disorders have a high comorbidity rate and similar cognitive patterns.
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Predictors of alcohol and substance use among people with post‑traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): findings from the NESARC‑III study
The self-medication hypothesis suggests people may develop Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) or Non-Alcohol Substance Use Disorder (NA-SUD) following PTSD as a maladaptive way of coping with PTSD symptoms.
Código de aprobación: NON-2023-11729
Increasing prevalence of mental disorders in smokers seeking treatment of tobacco dependence: a retrospective observational study
People with mental disorder smoke more often and more intensively compared to general population. In the USA, it was reported that about 40% of cigarettes were sold to people with a mental disorder in 1990, while the smoking prevalence was 28%.
Código de aprobación: NON-2023-9721
Sex-differential association of suicide attempts with thyroid dysfunction in first-episode and drug-naïve young major depressive disorder patients with comorbid anxiety
Suicide is a major public health problem worldwide and is considered to be the second leading cause of death among adolescents and young adults.
Código de aprobación: NON-2023-9730
Intergenerational Transmission of Suicide Attempts and Suicides
Risks for suicide attempts are strongly transmitted, with nature and nurture contributing equally, whereas the modest intergenerational transmission of completed suicide is largely genetic.
Código de aprobación: NON-2022-15292
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Functional Somatic Complaints
Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy focusing on awareness and processing of emotionally laden material can be helpful for somatization.
Código de aprobación: NON-2022-15278
Altered gut microbiota and its metabolites correlate with plasma cytokines in schizophrenia inpatients with aggression
Approximate 1% of the global populations, especially the individuals in the late adolescence or early adulthood, are affected by schizophrenia (ScZ). It is a heterogeneous psychiatric syndrome involving a broad spectrum of clinical symptoms including positive symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, etc.), negative symptoms (anhedonia, social withdrawal, poverty of thought, etc.), and cognitive dysfunction.
Código de aprobación: NON-2023-0358
Diagnostic Yield of Head CT for Common Psychiatric Presentations
Among patients with no concurrent nonpsychiatric indications for head computed tomography, yield was 0%.
Código de aprobación: NON-2022-12191
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Tourette Syndrome
In the laboratory, median nerve stimulation reduced tic frequency and intensity and premonitory sensorimotor urges to tic.
Código de aprobación: NON-2022-15269
Two Schizophrenias?
Two Schizophrenias?
A machine-learning algorithm robustly differentiates two neuroanatomical patterns in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, but associated clinical features were few.
The psychiatric disorders grouped as schizophrenia are known for their clinical heterogeneity and highly diverse patterns in brain abnormalities on neuroimaging.
Código de aprobación: PP-CNS-GLB-1393
An Automated Web-Based Self-Help Program to Prevent Depression
An Automated Web-Based Self-Help Program to Prevent Depression
Combining usual care with a guided program using cognitive-behavioral therapy reduced major depressive episodes by 52% in patients with chronic back pain.
Consistent with the move toward remote interventions for mental disorders, researchers assessed whether a web-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) program could prevent major depressive episodes (MDEs) in patients with chronic back pain.
Código de aprobación: PP-CNS-GLB-1474
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Functional Somatic
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Functional Somatic
Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy focusing on awareness and processing of emotionally laden material can be helpful for somatization
Is psychodynamic psychotherapy still relevant? Researchers addressed this question in a meta-analysis of 17 randomized, controlled trials involving 2004 patients (mean age, 43) with disorders characterized by functional somatic complaints such as irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain disorders.
Código de aprobación: PP-CNS-GLB-1499
Intergenerational Transmission of Suicide
Intergenerational Transmission of Suicide
Risks for suicide attempts are strongly transmitted, with nature and nurture contributing equally, whereas the modest intergenerational transmission of completed suicide is largely genetic.
Suicide attempts and suicides have long been known to run in families, but questions remain about the genetic versus environmental contributions to these phenomena.
Código de aprobación: PP-CNS-GLB-1555
What Happens After a First Episode of Postpartum Psychosis?
What Happens After a First Episode of Postpartum Psychosis?
A meta-analysis indicates that almost two thirds of women have another psychotic episode, predominantly outside the postpartum period.Postpartum psychosis denotes a severe mood disorder episode having psychotic, manic, or mixed affective symptoms and occurring within the first few weeks after childbirth. As new mothers and families facing this diagnosis need information on long-term prognosis, researchers conducted a re-view and meta-analysis covering six studies (mean follow-up in 645 of 954 patients with an index episode of postpartum psychosis, 16 years).
Código de aprobación: PP-CNS-GLB-1391
Disrupted Structural Connectivity in Prefrontal Areas in Borderline Personality Disorder
Disrupted Structural Connectivity in Prefrontal Areas in Borderline Personality Disorder
Disturbances are seen in white-matter structures responsible for the appropriate inhibition and control of emotions.Many of the core features of borderline personality disorder (BPD; irritability, impulsivity, emotional instability) suggest disruption in frontolimbic brain circuits. Imaging studies have shown disruptions in the uncinate fasciculus, a white-matter tract connecting prefrontal regions to paralimbic temporal regions.
Código de aprobación: PP-CNS-GLB-1462
Associations Between Mental Disorders and Subsequent Medical Conditions
This collection (a seminal study from Denmark and several summaries of related studies along the medical-psychiatric interface) reminds us that the mind and body are continually interacting and affecting one another. We are increasingly recognizing the prevalence and importance of co-occurring medical and mental disorders.
Código de aprobación: PP-CNS-GLB-1398
Anxiety and Depression Can Make You Sick
Anxiety and Depression Can Make You Sick
Long-term associations between mental and physical health are examined in a prospective study.
To address the relationship between health and affective symptoms (anxiety or depression), researchers analyzed data from a British prospective study of 3001 people followed repeatedly since birth in 1946. Follow-up beginning at age 53 involved an average of 14 years of complete data. Case-level symptoms (i.e., suggestive of a diagnosis) of anxiety or depression were defined as the highest 16th percentile of rating-scale scores, based on U.K. population estimates.
Código de aprobación: PP-CNS-GLB-1397
Hearing Voices in Patients with Trauma
Hearing Voices in Patients with Trauma
Auditory hallucinations are common in women with severe PTSD, especially among those who were younger at the initial trauma.
Clinically, auditory hallucinations are most often linked to psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, severe bipolar disorders, drug-induced psychoses, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Código de aprobación: PP-CNS-GLB-1392
MRI Scores for Cerebral Small Vessel Disease and Prediction of Dementia
MRI Scores for Cerebral Small Vessel Disease and Prediction of Dementia
Using MRI to score cerebral small-vessel disease may help predict dementia
Cerebrovascular disease increases the risk for dementia. To determine whether an MRI score for cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) can assist in the prediction of dementia, investigators examined MRI scans from participants in three longitudinal cohorts. Participants’ SVD ranged from mild and asymptomatic to severe and symptomatic.
Código de aprobación: PP-CNS-GLB-1394
Utility of Serum NfL in Differentiating Anti-NMDAR Encephalitisin First-Episode Psychosis
Levels were substantially higher in patients with anti-NMDARe than in those with psychiatric disease.
Since its original description nearly 15 years ago, anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis (anti-NMDARe) has been part of the differential diagnosis for first episode of psychosis (FEP), one treatable with immunosuppression and oncologic management.
Código de aprobación: NON-2022-7206
Evaluation of Autoimmune Psychosis
Autoimmune encephalitis is an uncommon etiology for a first episode of psychosis without neurologic features.
High Rates of Adolescent Depression and Suicide Risk Detected by Routine Screening in Primary Care
During preventative-care visits, 56% of adolescents without prior mental health issues screened positive for depression.The USPTF recommends screening adolescents ≥12 years-old for depression during primary care visits.
Código de aprobación: PP-CNS-GLB-1901
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